Edward Frost

After dinner, Erin and Kevin join Serena and Julius's love story session. Edward went to his room right after finishing his dinner. He was looking a little bit pale.

While Serena asked him if he was okay, he said," Don't worry. I am okay. Just feeling a little bit down."

Though he said that, Julius is feeling worried since he has a problem in controlling his thirst for blood and thus he needs to drink blood every six hours. But he has reduced the difference by controlling him more. Now he only drinks once every day.

Since Julius forced him to stay here, he is worried if he has disrupted his routine or not. Serena has already prepared a stock of animal blood from their part. But he hasn't come out of his room after dinner. So they can't guess what's happening in the room! It can turn into a massive situation if something goes wrong with Edward.

Even Kevin has noticed Edward's uneasiness. But Julius has assured him that they have prepared for the upcoming, so he isn't thinking about him anymore and concentrating on the story like Erin. She is eagerly listening to Serena and Julius.

" Wow! It's so fascinating and sophisticated. You both had to face hardships. I still can't believe that aunt Serena was a noble and uncle Julius was a commoner! It's like a fantasy story. It was an impossible love since the uncle was a vampire too.", Erin exclaims in wonder.

"Indeed. I had to go against my father. But my mother supported me a lot since she married my father out of love and she wanted the same for me.", says Serena.

"I had to prove myself before turning Serena into a vampire. Though this type of relationship was common at that time, there were some people like my father-in-law who were still against it. It was hard to convince him.", Julius says to Kevin.

"Love which faces a lot of hardships gets stronger in bond. Though some meet happy endings and some don't, they are still inspiring for others who want to fall in true love, aren't they?", Kevin asks.

"Yes. Love is beautiful in its own way. And we make it more fascinating by colouring it with our own love stories.", says Serena while looking at Erin with a beautiful smooth smile on the face.

Erin can feel what she is saying. If they fell in love even when Serena was a human and Julius was a vampire, then maybe it's also the same for her mother and father. Maybe they had a sad ending, unlike Serena and Julius.

Erin's in deep thought and now she is missing her mother a lot. She is feeling the urge to run to her. Right, that moment Serena declares the end of the session.

"Alright. Let's go to sleep! It's so late now and we have to wake up early. Get up, get up.", she gives Erin a push. "Tonight we will sleep together. I always wanted to have a daughter and sleep with her every night. But unfortunate as it is. I don't even have a child! So please dear, keep my request. Okay?", she asks sweetly.

"How can I refuse you if you ask me like this? Thank you, aunt, for reading my situation.", Erin replies. She has a faint smile on her face. Serena smiles in return and they both walk along to their room.

They are going to sleep beside Julius's room and Kevin has settled in the guest room. Julius turns off the lights of the house and goes to sleep after a while.

It's pitch dark now and everyone's sleeping. But Erin is still awake wondering what her mother is doing. Has she eaten properly or is she waiting for her? Different thoughts are circling her mind now. She is unable to fall asleep even if Serena's here to accompany in her lonely night in a new place.

" Are you worried about your mother, dear?", Serena asks Erin.

"Oh! Sorry, aunt. I didn't mean to worry you about me! And yes. I am a little worried for my mother since she's alone at home. She gets sick when I come home late at night and now I haven't even informed her about my whereabouts. She must be going crazy.", Erin replies in a worried and tired voice as if she can't help but only think about her mother right now.

"Don't worry dear. I bet she is a strong woman just like you. So take it easy.", Serena tries to comfort Erin by giving her mental support.

"I hope so.", Erin's voice is stating that even though Serena is helping her calm down, she's getting more anxious.

"Let's talk about something else. What do you think about Edward?", Serena asks Erin and turns to her side.

Erin looks at Serena with wonder, "what do you mean by what I think? I mean in what way, as a person or something else?"

"Let's say as a person.", Serena asks Erin. She doesn't want to make her more uncomfortable than she is already. So she asks Edward's personality in her view. But she actually wanted to ask if Erin likes him or not. Guess it will be too impolite for a new guest in their house!

"Well...he is a successful person and diligent to work. But he's arrogant and egoistic. He is short-tempered and keeps ordering around a lot. He never listens to others and always forces them to follow his rules. Even he took me here without my permission. He is an irritating person who only likes to tease others who are already in trouble. He doesn't heed others opinions too. There are more. Let me think about them.", says Erin who's troubled her tiny head to describe Edward.

"Let's give a little pause since the list of his bad qualities is getting longer and longer.", Serena stops Erin before she starts badmouthing Edward and trouble herself even more. She can understand Erin's angry with Edward. Well, Serena can't oppose her since Edward is like he has been described!

Erin is embarrassed for spitting her mind in front of Serena who is close to Edward, even being just an outsider. She has taken Serena as her mother and that's why she couldn't control herself.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to tell all that about him. It's just that...so many things started happening after last night's incident. So...I am not in my mind now. I am sorry.", Erin keeps apologising to Serena for her rude behaviour.

"It's okay dear. You have told the truth. But...I must say that our boy wasn't like this before. He was nice. When he was first brought to us, he was in a pitiful state. I cried seeing his face. He was a thin and pale boy who hadn't received any care from his father!", says Serena. She has tears in her eyes remembering the child face of Edward.

"What do you mean by he didn't get care from his father?", asks Erin who's confused.

Serena replies, "Edward's mother was a maid in his father's house. He was a vampire who used to hold the position of a duke. He was married but he fell in love with Edward's mother while she refused his proposal since it was an immoral relationship. Edward's father was a persistent man and he held his mother captive in one of his abandoned mansions. But Edward's mother died while giving birth to him, she had a really weak body."

" Was she an impure vampire?", asks Erin.

"Yes. Because the relationship with a human was banned in the vampire community. Since Edward's mother died because of Edward, his father used to despise him. He never even went to see him, let even take care of him.", says Serena.

Erin's silent listening to Edward's past. She has said many bad things without even knowing perfectly who he is.

"His father had an extreme bloodthirst, only for human blood. He used to force himself on Edward's mother every night. And if she refused him, he used painful ways to dominate her. That time the rule about 'Authorized Human' wasn't established. So he killed a lot of humans. That's why he was killed by humans. Edward was left alone in that mansion and he has got the bloodthirst from his father. So he can't control his thirst for more than a day now. And if that schedule breaks, he becomes a beast.", says Serena while looking at the ceiling, wondering what Edward's doing now.

Erin's still mum. Since she has nothing to say. Everything's getting a little bit clear now.

"Edward had to fight all through his life until his momsy rescued him from that mansion. He had to face a lot of nasty people including humans and vampires. And this is how he has turned out. Even it's hard for me and Julius to accept this Edward. He was raised by us. But he has changed himself to achieve this position.", Serena says with a sad voice.

"Who is his momsy? Even Edward calls that person momsy. Is she Edward's mother?", asks Erin.

"She is Julius's older sister. Since she rescued Edward, he calls her mother. And in short momsy. Everyone junior to Edward in his clan also calls her the same. She is a strong person who works on her own. She never married anyone in her whole life and lives in another country now. Though we don't know where. She left Edward to us before leaving the country. Because she wanted him to grow up strong on his own. Now I hope you understand why Edward's like this!", says Serena to Erin who has the wrong impression about Edward.

Erin's feeling guilty for misunderstanding Edward this whole time. Though she has realized that she was wrong, she is unable to say that to Serena. But Erin knows that even if she doesn't tell her anything, she will know.

Erin gets up from the bed and says," I am feeling thirsty. So I am going to grab a glass of water." She tries to escape from this awkward situation and also to get some fresh air. She needs to make herself easy before she goes to sleep. Unless she will stay awake for the whole night!

Serena nods her and Erin leaves the room. The whole house is swallowed by darkness. So Erin's trying to find her way without making any noise. She can only hear her heartbeats now.