Lesbian Fantasy

A hot smoky beautiful blonde

With another blonde

Give each other a kiss

Grows deeper

As the room gets hotter

When the light go down

The clothes come off

For their beautiful bodies

To fragrance the heat

An the smell of their bodies

Breasts pressed against each other

Pussies grinding

With each moan

Eating each other

Beyond pleasure's

That the bond grows

To a cold shower

They go for more fun

What's next?

Going into the shower

The blonde's shower each other

Washing, backs, and breasts

Even with some foreplay

To get them going again

With the steam of the shower

Driving them insane

They start kissing deep

With pleasure

Messaging, kissing and caressing

Each other's breasts

As they feel the pussy's

Begin to soak

Turning off the shower

Back to bed

They sixty-nine all night

Until the next morning

As they sleep in each others arms