Seeing Her

He may have a rough past

Yet a happy ending coming

He counts his blessings

With woman and child

He took into his world

She is everything to him

He see's her as the beauty

He once knew before

And now

She takes his breath away

Her sweet kisses light up

His days

Seeing her as the one

The one he wants to hold on to

He is in love with her

He can't hide the feelings

As he is guided by her love

Every day she sends sweet "good mornings"

To remind him

That he is happy

With his life

On this whole new journey

He loves her with every thing inside him

She has turned his life around

Seeing her as his future

Making her his wife

To see a child smile at him

Calling his name with giggles

He adores the child

The mother capture his heart

Seeing her is all he wants

To melt in his arms

With sweet kisses

Seeing her is his destiny