Chapter 47

It has been a few weeks on the island, and I am finally ready to progress with the plan. Wanda and Pietro's bodies have finally gotten ready to handle a more concentrated blast of the power stone.

During this time I mostly got to know Wanda, and to a lesser extent, Pietro. They were on guard against me at first, but this time was used to get them more comfortable with me. The only thing they were angsty about was the long wait.

Leaving the room, I make my way towards their separate beach houses. I conjure two roosters before leaving them on their doorsteps. I retreat back to my beach house and enjoy the roosters crowing, likely depriving the two of their wonderful sleep.

The crowing evolves to the rooster shouting they are needed at my house. I don't need a time stone to know they won't be too happy with me, but then again, I acquired power for reasons like these. As a natural asshole, you should make sure the people you antagonize, can't fight back.

"Hello there," I say as two grumbling 18-year-olds enter my home. "Do you want coffee? I personally prefer tea, but I am guessing that the two of you need it more."

"We wouldn't need coffee if you hadn't woken us up at this insufferable hour." Wanda grumbles, still groggy.

"Please, it's 9 am. When I was your age, I woke up at the equivalent of 5 am to train with General Tyr. He was quite the hard-ass, but it was beneficial so I put up with him. The same as what I am going to do now is beneficial for you."

"Are we finally going to die during this horrible experiment that you believe is safe?" Pietro asks.

"I resent that. This is completely safe, and by the end, you will have magical powers, whether those powers are useful or not is up to you. Plus your sister is hot, so I will minimize the chances of death for her." I say.

He just scoffs at my statement while ignoring his slowly blushing sister. Guess someone doesn't like the fact that his sister is being flirted with, not that I can complain, since I would react worse. After all my sister is my lover, someone has to make up for the non-existent greek pantheon by committing incest.

"Ignore him, Pietro." The now composed Wanda says. "So what do we have to do now?"

"Why don't you sleep for me," I say and before they can reply the two falls asleep. "They aren't going to be very happy when they wake up, or maybe they will, since they will have superpowers."

With a flick of the wrist, the two began floating behind me as I led them into my facility. Dispatching the two on separate tables, I take out the power stone and begin channelling the energy in it. Purple lightning arcs around the room, and I let a small amount enter the twins and watch as they begin floating.

"Good thing you were asleep, otherwise this would hurt quite a bit," I say as I enjoy the light show, while making sure not to supply too much energy seeing as I don't want them to explode. Unfortunately, the room isn't spared the explosions as they awaken their magic.

Seeing the twins' powers activated, I began to chant the power stealing spell and absorb most of their abilities into myself, leaving them with the weakened versions.

Wanda wouldn't be able to fucking reality warp, but still will be able to do most things that she could in the movies, bar destroying an infinity stone without an external artefact. Quicksilver never reached his full potential in the movies, so his weakened ability is just comparable to what I saw in the movies as well.

Seeing that they are done, I wake the two up. "Good, you guys aren't puny mortals anymore."

"Wow," Wanda says as she feels the magic coursing through her.

"Good reaction. You have pretty unique magic that works more on intent than knowledge. Even if I didn't have access to it centuries ago, I would be pretty jealous." I say with a straight face while lying through my teeth. "Pietro, your ability is literally to run really fast. There are sub-abilities because of that, but I will let you figure everything out yourself."

As soon as I am finished speaking, Pietro tries to run around the room, only to run into a wall. I guess the slowing of his perspective will take time for him to unlock. I sigh as I walk to the concussed boy and heal him.

"It will take a while to get used to them. Thank you, you have been a valuable research partner."

"Are you kicking us out?" Wanda asks, slightly afraid of the answer.

"No, you are welcome to stay. I still have to make sure there aren't any side effects which I doubt there are."

"Great. Your help would be invaluable in mastering these abilities." Wanda says with renewed cheer and I have to stop the chuckle from escaping me. Sometimes just showing kindness and being dependent can cause someone to become infatuated with you, and Wanda is no different.

"Well, let's start mastering these abilities right now," I say, causing Wanda to nod.

That is how I spend the rest of the day, helping the two learn control over their abilities to a basic level. When they finally retired, I teleported to Perfectum and headed for my testing room which uses hard light constructs as enemies.

The first ability that I tested out was the superspeed, and I could slow my perception of time, and could do about 500 meters per second. Not very fast compared to the flash, but it was more than an adequate starting point. Listening to things while running is weird because everything is so slow, I can now understand how Quicksilver died to a bullet.

Wanda's chaos magic was a bit harder to get used to. I easily learned how to make constructs and blasts. I don't see myself being able to twist the world in a few months, but I will arrive there far quicker than Wanda did. I am still kind of salty that such cheat magic exists, it feels like I wasted my life studying magic and any other subject, only for such a shortcut to exist.

Probably how my professors in my previous life felt, being shown up by an underaged child who was barely interested in their subject. I summon a few hard light constructs to fight against me and start my venting trip.

"Fucking bullshit. What was the point of learning anything if I can just wish it into existence now?" I ask in frustration while I mercilessly kill everything in the room. "But Loki, you're genius, led you to this point. If you didn't learn, you never would have gotten these powers. "

Taking a deep breath, I stop my tantrum. I am not at the reality-warping stage yet, and it would be foolish to become careless now. Since I am on Perfectum anyways, I can go do my parental duty and take care of my new child. Sure I have regularly visited him and Jormungandr since my departure, but I want another best dad tea mug, and preferably from Draigoch when he comes of age.

A/N: More chapter on patre.on/DickMcJones, if you want to read ahead. Alternatively, I have a new Percy Jackson story if you want to read that. He won't be stupidly Op as Loki and will have to work for his powers, I won't make that mistake again. There are few beings who can actually challenge Loki which makes every fight lacklustre and I won't nerf him or add a random stupid op oc that wants to kill him. Thanks for showing up to my ted talk.