Ch7 Teams and infighting

(A/N Hey everyone sorry for not posting just been extremely busy lately with work school and sports. Again so sorry and thanks for reading).

Hazel was with everyone making their way back to the auditorium. They were really excited to see what and who would be in their teams. Ruby was also really excited even if she did pair up with Weiss. She was happy with how everything went. Then everyone hears the voice of Ozpin "Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!" Hazel looked at the group and got noticeably annoyed an angry. He started to let out a bit of his conquerors haki but noticed it fast enough that only a couple people around felt it. Meanwhile everyone else is happy. Hazel was currently thinking about how Ozpin let that group in. He started to wonder if Ozpin was really that desperate. The audience starts getting loud and joyous again. While four students walk up to the stage to take their places in front of the headmaster as their faces fill the screen.

Ozpin starts with the next group and introduces them "Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together you form team JNPR Led by... Jaune Arc!" Jaune was shocked and Hazel would be to if he didn't know how Jaune turned out later. Hazel however was thinking though how he has to save Pyrrha. He thought about killing Cinder early on but wasn't to sure on how much would change without Cinder. Thinking of Cinder he also thought of Neo and couldn't wait to see her again. He had a great idea of what to buy from the store he has to help her get her voice back.

Hazel then noticed that team RWBY was heading up to the stage. Ozpin started to speak again "Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!" Hazel looked over at Weiss who already looked extremely upset at the outcome. Hazel hung his head thinking of the best way to make Weiss feel like she doesn't deserve everything and how to make her not hate Faunus. Now that Hazel thinks about it he is not sure if Weiss hates him because of that.

Hazel looks up to hear Ozpin speaking again. "Then finally we have another student who grabbed the lone king piece (video of Hazel fighting played on the big TV) as you can see this young man is extremely skillful." Hazel started to walk up to the stage with people staring at him and the screen. Ozpin then continued "Since this young man is so skillful we are allowing him to be his own team. He is the highest ranking student currently even among the other years and with this he gets some privileges. One being that he can join any team he wants when he wants as well as his own dorm room. This young mans name is Hazel D. Silver!" By this time Hazel was on center stage and Ozpin gave him the mic. Hazel was kind of shocked by this but he went with it. "Hey everyone I mean as you can tell I am the most talented at this school and if any of you have a problem with that you can fight me for it. (He moved his hat down to block his eyes [imagine when you can't see Luffys eyes]) But I warn you (Hazel released some of his conquerors haki and then lifted his head with a big smile and dispersed his haki in the next second.) I don't play nice." With that Hazel tosses the mic back to Ozpin and he hopped off the stage. Some people were cheering, others were scared, some were in love and other were pissed. Ozpin looked around between the mix of what the crowd was feeling and said "It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year."

Hazel then met up with everyone else and decided to go to their rooms to sleep since they have class tomorrow. Rem RWBY and JNPR were still across from each other in the hallway and Hazel was just the next door down from team RWBY. They all waved bye to each other and went to their own rooms. Hazel looked around his room and saw how much nicer it was compared to the ones that RWBY and JNPR had. He had a king size bed with a very nice bathroom. A study area with a desk brand new computer as well as a nice gaming chair. He also had a walk in closet as well as his own kitchen. Hazel let out a relaxing sigh. All in all he was very happy right now. He thought the only thing that would make this better would be Neo. Hazel thought that he should really find her soon. After thinking that he let out a yawn and started to fall asleep for school tomorrow.

Hazel wakes up an hour before class because he knows he has class at 9 am. He usually really doesn't like class but he thought it was something he had to do plus he thought it would be a good way to think of his Weiss problem. As he was walking to class he ran into Ozpin and Glynda who were talking in the courtyard. At this time Hazel still had ten minutes before class. Hazel walked up to them. "Hey Ozpin I was wondering when I would get to meet the maiden." Ozpin and Glyndas jaws dropped. Ozpin couldn't believe he even knew about that. "Oh also when is Qrow coming I would love to spar with that guy." Ozpin shook his head and said "Don't worry you will meet both of them in due time also shouldn't you be making sure your on time for class." Hazel just shrugged and walked away thinking about Weiss again. Hazel then thought it's not like I really care for Weiss to like me it just gets annoying when she acts the way she does. Hazel finally sat down in Mr. Ports class and was one of the first to arrive even though it is 4 minutes before class starts. He then starts to look around and notices that neither team RWBY or team JNPR are here. All of sudden everyone falls through the door and gets up to take their seats. Hazel smiled and said "What took you guys so long. It's the first day shouldn't your captains be in charge." He then looked at Ruby and Jaune. Weiss nodded in agreement but then Hazel continued "Also it is the teammates job to make sure that they support their captain as best they can at the need of the day it's a team." Professor Port nodded in agreement. He then started to give his lesson and really talk about his glory days. "Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha! Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses..." (gives Yang a wink, which she groans uncomfortably at) "Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy..." Hazel couldn't take it anymore and started to goof off with Ruby. He honestly didn't understand how Weiss could pay attention to this. Weiss was getting more and more angry at the antics of Hazel and Ruby. Port finally said "So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Weiss was still really angry and yelled "I do, sir!!" Port then points to the cage as Weiss comes over. "Then let's find out."