
Ugh… this smell. I mean someone really needs a bath. Wait, again this smell. Why is this old man giving out such a stink? I can't be mistaken. I can recognize it wherever I go.

It felt like the first time I summoned a shadow. There was a moist and a horrifying scent covering everything, sucking the warmth from the livings and turning them into cold beings.

Back then, the sky over the castle of the Count of Reid turned black and the muggy smell was agonizing to the nose. It was like deep humidity filling the entire place and uncontrollable ice freezing the walls and the skin. I remember how the rooms became so cold even during the summer and the servants had to lit up the fireplace. I can recall how everyone was terrified even me.

That day, shivers and fear took over the hearts of the people inside the mansion, many employees resigned and some others stole valuable items and ran away saying the castle was haunted spreading the rumors to the whole town. The Count had to ask for help from the temple of light in urgency.

The priests came with a powerful relic to disperse the clouds and the cold. I was relieved for a few days, but the lights were too much for my younger self. The burning sensation on my skin and the suffocation pained my chest for several days. I was five years old and was so scared that Irina had to sleep with me that whole week to help me calm down.

Later I began to understand the shadows. They were creatures from my mind that didn't have a soul nor feelings nor thoughts. They just react to my orders and emotions. I can use them to manipulate the weather and summon a storm. I could even use them to light a small, strange fire with a slight snap from my finger. It felt like a little lighting. And when they were strong enough which means I was healthy enough, they could take a solid form for a few seconds. I was so amazed that day.

The first time it appeared, a little humanoid shadow just a little taller than me emerged from my own shadow. I won't lie, I was terrified, I ran away but it kept following me. The next time Irina taught me how to take control over them even when they liked to follow me even inside my dreams.

Then I found some other good uses for them, they proved to be very successful in playing pranks over my cousin and stepsister. For many days they were truly convinced that some ghosts and fairies walked around the house looking for an innocent victim to eat, so they left golden coins every day in hidden places to bribe the ghost, not that I hinted that they should do that…

The Count never said anything, and I had the feeling that he knew about my abilities but never said anything, not even when I was crying scared looking for him at night. He was just indifferent and… afraid. My own father feared me. He had never paid much attention to me but never mistreated me nor let my stepmother find fault with me. He even treated Irina with care and somehow respect? They never say no to any of her requests, although they were all for my needs.

Then again, this smell is coming from this old man, the master of the Queen, and my dear man. The so-called great master Killian.

"Miriam, Lyon is good to see both of you here, I have something I want to discuss."

The old man had taught the Duke and the Queen everything since they were young. How to fight, how to be a leader to the troops and the country, how to detect the people's hypocrisy inside the castle and the nobles, and above all, how to control the power of the seal. I've never expected him to look so young despite his age… mmm something is not right.

"Yes Master, let's get ins…"

The Queen couldn't even finish speaking when a powerful and evil force tried to hit me. The cane from the old man was lit up with light magic aiming at me. What the…?! My shadows worked fast to cover me in a protective barrier, but it was no necessary as the body of a man shielded me completely taking the impact for me. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't react properly, the smell from the old man was disturbing my senses and that moment I will regret it for life.

I felt pain in my chest. The man lying in my arms was pale and with his eyes closed. His breathing was weak and fading slowly.


The Queen came quickly to my side touching the Duke's face.

I was in shock. I was so scared, I was seriously scared. My tears covered my face quickly, but it was no use. This man's soul was leaving me.

No! No! No, this can't be happening!

"Complete the enchantment!" I told the Queen.

I knew she could feel the binding soul enchantment on my body and his soul but never asked about it.


"The last part of the enchantment. Finish it quickly, I don't know the spell. Quickly! He is fading."

Another blast of light was about to reach my body, but at that moment several knights appeared from the doors and the mighty magic of the King repelled the attack with his power.

"Queen, please do it fast."

She looked at me and nodded. Then I heard her whispering some strange words and, from her finger, appeared an exquisite ring with a blue gem. She took my hand and put it on his chest, I could feel the beating of his heart slowing down and my anxiousness increasing. Come on! Faster!

Again, a blinding light covered everything, and my thoughts faded. Please don't let him die.

** **

One day later, inside the Palace.

"When is she going to wake up?"

The Duke was walking around the room glancing at the beautiful pale woman lying on the bed. She was sleeping peacefully but the whiteness of her face was disturbing, she looked as she was about to... He couldn't even think about it. Irina was beside her holding her hand without moving an inch, and her stare was fixed on Lucia.

"Stop it, Lyon. She will be fine."

Miriam was also in the room looking at the anxious man. She had so many questions but it wasn't the time to ask them.

"… this… how did this happen? Why did Master attack her?"

"I don't know Lyon... sighs… He is already detained but the blast of light made him faint. We will know when he wakes up."

"What is going on, Miriam?"

"I don't understand. Master's behavior is strange, so different. He came back a few days before you and talked to me about a Nerum Clan awaking. Something about monsters eating human blood and the Crotia Kingdom."


He stopped walking and frowned.

"What? Lyon, what is it?"

"The Ne… Nerum Clan?"

The trembling voice of Irina interrupted their thoughts.