Stay Low

The Duke and his escorts entered our house in their mighty silver armors. They already had their helmet off and… surprise, surprise, they were such a splendid sight to see.

When he stood in front of my father, he bowed his head slightly and with such elegance that all the servants, maids, the rest of my family, and several nobles invited were visibly stunned. The rude and brutish Duke turned out to be a handsome and educated young nobleman with the bearing of a general. He was tall, with brownish hair and magnificent blue eyes. The face could only be described as glorious and his body such a masterpiece.

My cousin and my older sister were throwing daggers at me, but I just stood there quietly without expression. What can I say? Even if he were an angel I wouldn't dare fall for him, the man who is fated to be my doom.

"This is Lucia, my daughter and your soon to be wife, Your Highness."

I took a step forward and made a slight bow. My appearance was nothing compared to that of my beautiful older sister, my cousin, and the almost fairy-like princess Rebecca.

I said it before, I didn't want to attract any kind of attention, so I opted for a plain hairstyle, simple but elegant clothes, and light makeup adding some changes to not make my eyes big, nor my lips red, I made them look pale and thin. I even put the effort into painting a few freckles around my nose and cheeks.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Your Highness." I bowed down and looked up with indifference.

He just looked at me and nodded, equally indifferent.

"We will depart tomorrow at noon. Count Reid, my men need a place to rest and replenish for tomorrow's journey."

I felt my father shivering from his commanding voice. Even Katia and Monique were trembling and blushing but for a completely different reason.

"Yes, of course, Your Highness."

That was it. I returned to my room where my dear Irina was waiting. Then I took off my dress and makeup to get a well-deserved warmth bath.

"Irina, please go out."

"Yes, Miss."

I rested my head on the side of the tube and felt an old friend reaching out to me, the uncontrollable dryness of my mouth that accompanied me since childhood. Then my reflection on the water showed me how my once green eyes turned bright red and how my skin glowed like soft porcelain. Even some strands of my brown hair were painted in black now, and my thin and not that notorious pair of lips from before were now red and beautiful. How could this happen? The only answer I can provide comes in the name of a curse, a curse my mother gifted me since birth.

My mother, my real mother left me in this castle when I was three years old, telling the Count I was his daughter. I was only a child and my heart was filled with fear and sadness when seeing her leave, but Irina stayed by my side. She was my mother's maid at that time, and she decided to follow and take care of me, not minding the curse, not minding the consequences it could carry.

When I was old enough to understand the special changes in my body, she was the one to explain them to me. She told me that I inherited them from my mother's family. My appearance would change at night and I would have an overwhelming craving for blood, fresh blood from the livings.

We decided to keep it a secret, no one needed to know that I was a predator, a terrible predator ready to bite their necks.

At night when the thirst was irresistible, Irina brewed me a potion mixed with some drops of my desired liquid. It helped me stop the intense thirst and the awful discomforts of my condition. It helped me calm down.

You would ask how does this relate to the novel? Well, of course, I was the ultimate villainess in the book. I became so infatuated with the Duke, with his handsome and charming appearance, that I went almost crazy with jealousy when he left me for his princess, and thus, I schemed a plan to harm Rebecca and forever get rid of her.

The power of the curse seduced me and with its help, I started my clan to rule the land of humankind. However, in the end, Lucia died a cruel death in the hands of the Duke.

Her last moments were plagued with so many regrets and sufferings. Sigh… I should stay low for now and exile myself from the plot.