
So… this is disturbing. I kept walking inside the tunnel for a while going down and down… *sigh* I hate stairs, and there were no clouds nor air to help me fly to the end of this torture. These shadows don't seem that useful at the moment.

How disappointing, I was preparing myself for a bit of action but… Goodness, how did they know that the damn stairs were my nemesis? Is this an 'annoy me the best you can' type of illusion. Well, they are doing great, if I must say. I am so annoyed.

Wait, there is a door at the end. Awesome! I jumped in enthusiasm and opened it with one push. What the?!

I could see a garden, how can this be? I could even see the sky and smell of the freshness of the flowers. This is getting interesting. I stepped back into the tunnel and again darkness, then inside and again the beautiful daylight. Wow, how awesome. I should tell Irina to make me one of these rooms.