Strong enough

We left the inside hall almost running, of course, only after we covered the cat-man's body with the coffin lid and some other big and strong rocks.

He looked so calm and peaceful inside his coffin as if he were just taking a nap, it was incredible how his body was still breathing and in great shape even after all those years. Now, I can even smell his blood, it was quite vigorous and nutritious, what about the taste. I should have given a try…

However, this was a bit strange. I thought that he would need a large amount of food to regain his health, but… he looked okay, in fact, extremely good.

How can they do that? To preserve a living body intact like that was unheard of. Maybe that enchantment had something to do with the Nerum clan.

Are they sleeping in coffins like this one? Should I try?

Old man, had you slept in a coffin before?


Hey, why aren't you answering? I want to know.
