Blaze Fury (Part 1)

"Blaze… are you alright?" Irina kneeled near the little boy who hadn't regained his full focus wholly.

I was worried about Blaze, the little child fainted the moment I sent the last attack, I knew he could feel his soul being smashed hard, but I believe, that he, as the mighty dragon race descendant was powerful enough to resist such energy.

He was very silent with a dark gaze, something I'd never seen on him before. However, I recognized it, it was a thirst for something more than revenge, it was pure hatred. I can't let the little boy go down that painful path.

However, I was also exhausted, that last attack almost depleted all my energy and the bit of rationality I had in myself. Thanks to my dear Duke I could manage and remember my training. Dammit! I thought it would be enough with two years, but it seems that I was very naive.