Elder Merina

"Miss Merina… please stop," poor knight Elton was subjected to a harsh test from the day he met General Merina. However, the test didn't stop even after many days. The crazy woman had become addicted to tease the man, to bring him to his limits, and she was enjoying it too much. So much to make shameless claims on his body.

"I won't stop, darling," she kept moving her waist taking all of the poor Elton sanity and making him gasp. The sweat rolling down his face to his naked chest was a beautiful sight for the shameless woman. "Don't forget you are mine, all of you, from this supple skin to that tasty blood on your veins."

"Miss Merina…" the woman licked her lips in a seductive pose and the innocent Elton couldn't help but react at her. He had to turn his head to the side to hide his shame.