
Lyon felt as if something was trying to rip his soul and invade his body. To have something foreign to his body inside his mind, shattering and breaking everything within could send anyone to a crazy state. However, he was strong and even the simplest door was strengthened a thousand times.

"I won't let you move anymore," he saw a black shadow walking through the doors of his mind as if he was the owner. Not minding burning the handles and breaking them when they were too difficult to enter.

It was painful, but the Duke had to resist if he wanted to help his dear wife in the future. He must have the curse running in his blood too if he were to live with her forever. He won't even leave her alone again. Not again.

The energy he used to subdued that thing outside wasn't enough to fight the shadow that had entered his mind. It was as if it was looking for another host, someone from whom it can devour a soul.

Now the true battle will begin.