After everyone had eaten to their hearts content and their bellies were full, the young masters paid for their meal, leaving the tavern.
"Thank you, young masters for the meal.", said the woman with a nod and she and her daughter turned to go home.
As the woman and her daughter got further away Kang Lei let out a sigh.
"There are still many questions left unanswered.", said Hai Yin.
"Indeed, a healer who uses necromancy, my mind will not allow this to make sense. All my life I have believed that bringing someone back from the dead as they once were was impossible.", said the young master poking his chin with his index finger.
"Are you saying that the Mother was just putting on a show? After all, the girl does not speak, it is possible.", said Hai Yin.
"I wouldn't go as far as to say that the Mother is lying, I just do not know what she would gain from being dishonest.", Kang Lei responded.
"Did the Mother not say that she spent a lot trying to find someone to help her daughter? Even if I were paid handsomely, I don't know if I could live with the towns peoples speaking ill of my child from fault of my own."
"You would be surprised of what you could get use to when you have no choice.", said Kang Lei.
"Kang…", Hai Yin began to say, but Kang Lei spun around with a smile on his handsome face, cutting him off.
"Shall we go pay this healer a visit?"
"...Mn.", said Hai Yin pausing for a minute and the two were off, making their way up the mountain.
After about a half hour, the two young masters made it up the mountain to see an incredibly long line of people waiting to be seen, the old and the young.
"I do not believe it, are all these people waiting to be healed?", Kang Lei asked somewhat outraged as the two made their way into the line.
"I must say this is peculiar, these towns people have great faith in him.", said Hai Yin.
"Or in the Madams tale.", said Kang Lei, the two nodding to one another.
After being in the line for almost two hours, the two young masters were much closer to the front and the sun was beginning to set.
As the line moved ahead young master Hai heard the sounds of coughs and groans sounding all around him. Letting out an exhale, he spoke, "Kang Lei.", he said softly.
"Huh?", the young master turned around to see Hai Yin leaning closer to him, surprised and caught off guard, the young master stiffened.
"Kang Lei, these people are all sick, how will we be seen if there's no reason for us to be in this line?", Hai Yin asked as he stood back up upright. Chuckling awkwardly, Kang Lei poked his finger at his chin again until he got an idea.
"Ah! Hai Yin punch me in the stomach.", said Kang Lei, balling his fist, extending out his arms and holding in his gut as he prepared himself to take the blow.
"Do not be silly!", Hai Yin scolded, rolling his eyes.
"Or do you want me to use soul projection?", Kang Lei chuckled.
��We will figure something out!", Hai Yin said firmly, and Kang Lei shrugged, turning back around.
When the two young cultivators turn had arrived, two tall men walked up to them nodding, and extending out their arms toward the tint in front of them. Eyeing each other for a moment, Kang Lei and Hai Yin walked into the dimly lit tint, full of hundreds of candles to see a chubby man sitting in the lotus position with his eyes closed and a bamboo weaved basket sitting beside him full of the towns people's money.
For a few minutes the man sat with his eyes closed, not acknowledging that anyone had entered the tint.
"Uh..", Kang Lei began to say, but the man's eyes snapped open.
"Young master with the strange eyes, come sit.", the healer spoke, patting the cushion down in front of him. Looking at Hai Yin a moment, Kang Lei nodded, walking over and sitting in front of the man, with Hai Yin doing the same. Reaching out, the man grabbed Kang Lei's hand, holding it between both of his own hands before he closed his eyes again.
After a few seconds, the man opened his eyes back although he still held Kang Lei's hand. "Your flow of qi is strange.", the man said.
"What do you mean? My qi is fine." said Kang Lei, snatching his hand away.
"Then young master, why are you here? I cannot heal those who do not believe I can."
"Guang MingYu, it is not that I do not believe that you cannot heal a person….", Kang Lei began to speak, but the man cut him off.
"You only wish to know how I do it, you are cultivators is it really that hard to guess?" said Guang MingYu.
"Guang MingYu, what level of cultivation do you posses to be able to do such things?", Hai Yin cut in.
"What things do you mean young master? Removing petty curses, strengthening the weak and easing aches and pains?", Guang MingYu chuckled, "these are things that you can do as well."
"That is not what he means.", said Kang Lei, his face stern. "A woman in town has told people that you raised a girl from the dead."
Guang MingYu furrowed his brows, "So you've only come to judge my work? Is this what this is? What will these people think when you take away their healer?!", the man said, anger suddenly growing in his voice.
"It is no business of ours how you cultivate, we only wish that you answer our questions!", Hai Yin said firmly. Glancing at the young master in white beside him, Kang Lei smirked, turning his attention back to Guang MingYu.
"Guang MingYu, did you or did you not raise a child from the dead?", Kang Lei asked, his smirk still present.
"I did, I was blessed by the Gods with such power to do so!", the man said firmly.
"Tell me, have you heard that clan leader Vu's wife has passed on?", said Kang Lei, "I am sure they would have paid you handsomely for your trouble."
"There was nothing that could be done for her, it was her time!", said the man.
"Is that so? So do the God's decide when a person's time is up or have, they granted you that power as well?", Hai Yin asked. Eyeing the two young masters in front of him, back and forth the man grew nervous.
"They…I..", the man stuttered.
"Well which is it?", Kang Lei chuckled.
"Enough! There are others who need my help! Be gone or I will have my guards throw you out!", Guang MingYu yelled.
"There is no need, we will be going now.", said Hai Yin, and Kang Lei stood, the two young master's exiting the tint.
"Has he done it? Has he healed your body young masters?" said a man holding the arm of a weak trembling old woman."
"…" Staring at the old woman who could barely stand on her own two feet, Kang Lei and Hai Yin simply nodded and walked away.
"There is no question that he is healing some of these people, however there is still the question of can he save a person from deaths door.", said Hai Yin.
"I am sure he will refuse to see us again, let's wait until he is finished his work for the night.", said Kang Lei and Hai Yin nodded, the two making their way to a higher point of the mountain with a perfect view of the healers tint. Hai Yin sat in the lotus position while Kang Lei hung his legs over the side, kicking them out one after the other like an amused child.
"Hai Yin.", Kang Lei suddenly said.
"Did you mean what you said? That you are not concerned with how one cultivates?", the young master asked, turning his attention up at the dark sky.
Glancing at Kang Lei for a minute, Hai Yin also directed his attention toward the sky. "If I did not mean it, do you think that I would willingly spend this much time with you?", said Hai Yin.
"…", nonplused Kang Lei only nodded as he took a glance at the young master in white beside him staring up at the sky. As he stared a smirk made its way onto Hai Yin's face and Kang Lei quickly turned away as he felt the rate of his heart quicken.
"Honestly, who is anyone to judge how one cultivates when the world is so much bigger than we are? These strange times call for unity, not division.", said Hai Yin lowering his head and turning toward Kang Lei.
"Mn.", was the only thing Kang Lei managed to say as he turned his head back to see Hai Yin's smiling face. Unable to smile back, Kang Lei turned his head away just in time to see Guang MingYu exiting his tint.
"Ahh! Look, he has finally finished!", the young master blurted out and Hai Yin focused his attention as well to see Guang MingYu handing the two large men something and the three of them going their separate ways. Nodding to each other the two young master's jumped down from where they were sitting and at a distance, they followed Guang MingYu to town.
When Guang MingYu had arrived in town, the chubby man wobbled into a tavern where he was greeted right away by a staff woman and directed toward a reserved section seating. Without him having to order anything, the two young masters watched from the window of the inn while staff ma'ams and sirs brought over a spread of dishes and booze.
"He is like royalty here in town.", said Hai Yin.
"So it seems.", said Kang Lei.
"How do you suppose we go about this, this is a public place, we should not make trouble for the owners.", said Hai Yin, but as he turned his head to the young master, he saw that Kang Lei was not at his side. Quickly glancing around, Hai Yin saw that Kang Lei was already making his way toward Guang MingYu's table. Sighing and rolling his eyes, Hai Yin hurried into the tavern also making his way over.
Quickly placing himself at the table while the man was knee deep in stuffing his face, Kang Lei spoke, "Funny to see you here, we meet again." The young master grinned as the man snapped his head up with a frightened expression.
"You!", Guang MingYu jumped up, ready to cause a scene but as he proceeded, he froze as he saw the fierce expression of the other young master in front of him.
Turning his head to the side, Hai Yin held out his arm toward the table full of various dishes, "Please, sit and finish your meal, it will not taste good if it gets cold.", he spoke, his tone especially friendly. Sucking his lips inward with furrowed brows, the man growled, sitting back down and Hai Yin joined Kang Lei on the other side of the table.
"What do you want now? It is rude to disturb a man during his meal!", Guang MingYu complained.
"Then let us not waste any time. I have a proposal for you.", said Kang Lei.
"Ha!" Guang MingYu chuckled as if he was hearing a joke, but his face turned into a frown when he saw the blue-eyed young master was steady, an earnest expression on his handsome face. "Be careful with your words young master, I do not take threats lightly!", he warned.
"This is no threat, as I've said, a simple proposal, accept it or don't.", said Kang Lei, as he picked up a piece of shrimp with his bare hand, placing it into his mouth.
Guang MingYu furrowed his brows further as he watched the young master chew his food he had not offered. "Fine! Out with it then!", he said grudgingly, eyeing the two young master's intensely.
"Very well.", said Kang Lei leaning closer, "My Father is Kang Shu-Huan, the second clan leader of the Kang."
"Yy…you mean…!", Guang MingYu stuttered as his eyes grew wide and young master Hai cut his eye at Kang Lei as he did not understand what he was up to.
"That's right, the sacrilegious Kang clan is currently visiting The Flourishing Ancient Woodland Sect as we speak. On my Father's behalf, I would like to offer you a position to come and work for us.", Kang Lei continued.
"Work for you!? Wha…what could I possibly do to assist the Kang clan!?" Guang MingYu asked confused, nervousness in his tone.
"You are a necromant are you not?", Kang Lei asked turning his head to the side with a smirk.
"Alright! Alright!" Guang MingYu shouted, causing the few people at the tavern to turn their heads for a minute. "The Vu clan came to me about lady Chiang, they told me that she was terminally ill, so I told them that the Gods said it was her time. I told them that because I cannot help a dying person!", the man confessed.
"And the little girl?", Hai Yin asked with his brows furrowed.
"The little girl had only passed out because her spirit energy was nearly depleted. Sometimes spirits attach themselves to people, it happens all the time when children play in the woods, you know this! I simply passed the girl some of my own spirit energy, she is sick, but she was never going to die!", said Guang MingYu.
"So you are not a necromancer after all.", said Hai Yin.
No! No I am not! I cannot help the heretical Kang clan! I do not want any association!", the anxious man cried. Balling his fist, Kang Lei suddenly jumped up kicking the man into the chest, knocking him off the cushion and backward onto the ground, everyone gasping at the scene.
"To you the Kang clan might be profane, but at least we are honest! How dare you over charge these sick and dying people for your own personal gain! Guang MingYu the healer is nothing but an over paid and over fed piece of shit!", Kang Lei shouted, before storming out of the tavern.
"If you have any sense of moral, you will stop this and honestly help people because you simply enjoy doing so. If you do not, I will gladly have a lengthy discussion about your transgressions with clan leader Vu.", Hai Yin threatened as he stood, hurrying out of the tavern after Kang Lei with everyone left panicked and confused.
Hai Yin ran out of the tavern to see the young master storming down the road. "Kang Lei!", he shouted as he ran. "Kang Lei!", he called again before the young master finally stopped and turned around.
"It baffles my mind that people become so disarranged when it comes to the Kang when people like him exist in this world! It makes me…"
"You must calm down!", Hai Yin shouted, interrupting Kang Lei.
"How can I calm down!?", Kang Lei shouted back.
"These people are simply afraid of what they do not know! You must give it time!"
"There will never be enough time to clear the name of the Kang!", Kang Lei shouted with tears in his eyes.
"The Kang are not bad people, I know this because I have met you!", Hai Yin shouted.
"…" With wide eyes, young master Kang stared back at Hai Yin, a sympathetic expression on his face. Forcing himself to relax, Kang Lei lowered his head as he did not know how to respond.
"Come, let us go back to the manor.", said Hai Yin and Kang Lei nodded as the two walked back in silence.
When they arrived, the young master's purposely walked slowly, the two taking their time, as Vu clan disciples nodded as they passed.
"I do not know why I was so determined to prove he could not resurrect the dead.", said Kang Lei letting out a sigh.
"It is because you are impatient and you are a Kang.", Hai Yin responded, and Kang Lei smirked.
"I am sorry for wasting your time though, there was something you wanted to show me, right? It's a shame that we are leaving tomorrow.", said Kang Lei as the two young master's reached the top of the stairs.
"There is no need, besides there will be a next time.", said Hai Yin with a smirk, realizing they had successfully wasted the whole night away freeing him of figuring out what to show the young master.
"True.", Kang Lei smirked.
"Rest easy, tomorrow is a new day.", said Hai Yin with quite the warm smile.
"Mn.", Kang Lei nodded, his smirk turning into a smile as the two young masters bid each other a goodnight.