Chapter 38

Ranvier's POV

Darvin left after we ate lunch to meet his brother at the seaside park. I sent a text message to Vin that I want to meet up with him, but he didn't reply to any of my texts. I tried calling his phone but I think his phone is turned off. I decided to walk around the mall and do a little window shopping. I went to the home center and looked at some furniture. I need to look at some new furniture that would go perfectly in my room. Technically, I could buy anything I want but I need to see the options I have and explore other stores selling furniture. I browsed through sets of furniture for the living room, but neither one of them caught my attention. I'm looking for either a regal style furniture or a sleek style one. When I got bored in the home center I went to the department store. On the way there I bumped into Sir U with some students accompanying him.

"Ranvier, what are you doing here?" Sir U asked.

"Hey Sir U, I was just looking around."