Special Chapter IX: His Melancholy

Vin's POV

It's been days I'm feeling down, I always feel tired even though I don't do much. I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now. I don't have any appetite for any food, I always stay in my room curled up in my bed. I only get up when I need to use the bathroom or go to school. I can't focus on the lessons being discussed by the teachers, I just stare out the window watching clouds pass by. Whenever someone tries to talk to me I feel unengaged in the conversation, I just nod my head whenever they ask me a question. Then after school I always go straight home, to my room and curl up in my bed. Sometimes I find myself crying for no reason, or was there? I feel lost, I feel that something was missing inside me. A part of me I always had when I was younger, but lost along the way growing up. I want to talk to someone, but at the same time I don't. Is this a valid feeling? Was there something wrong with me? Can I find what was missing?