Special Chapter XIV: Kwento

"Vin what are you doing?"

"Oh, hey Riley. I'm, uh… just trying to study ciphers and old methods of cryptography.

"Cool… but why?"

"I don't know, I just find them so fascinating."

"And where do you intend to use that?"

"I don't know… maybe someday I'll come across with some puzzles from the past or something like that."

"Why not study modern cryptography? It's more useful than the old one."

"I kinda hate math and some of the modern cryptography involves algorithms and math."

"So what kind of cipher are you studying?"

"Just the basic stuff, Caesar cipher, ROT13, pigpen cipher, templar cipher, morse code, vigenère cipher, and Ottendorf cipher."

"I only knew the morse code, I never knew there is much more than that."

"I could teach you if you want."

"Sounds boring."

"That's fine if you don't want to."