Chapter 52

Vin's POV

I woke up because I need to use the restroom. I wonder where I am, I looked around and remembered that I slept at Ranvier's office, on his sofa. I sat up and noticed someone beside me. I looked at the person beside me and saw that it was Ranvier sleeping soundly. I carefully got out of the sofa bed and made my way to the restroom. Even the restroom here in his office looks so gorgeous, you wouldn't like to use this kind of restroom and keep it clean always. But I badly needed to go, my bladder is so full and it's going to burst. After taking a leak, I went to the sink and washed my hands and dried it off at the hand dryer installed on the wall next to the sink. When I ascertained that my hand is already dry I took out my phone to see what time it is.

"5:30 am… it's still early. Ah, someone sent a message on our band group chat."