Chapter 63

Vin's POV

"So where exactly are we going?"

"Remember what you said the other night? You want me to train you, to teach you everything I know."

"Yeah, I remember… but why are we in a jet plane?"

"We're going to where we train the new recruits. The place where I studied college, USA. Pennsylvania to be exact."

"Can you show me around the neighborhood where you grew up?"

"Sure, as soon as we checked out the other new recruits at the headquarters here."

"There are others? Not only me?"

"Yeah, remember the others that time at the summit? The ones that you have to surpass to be a Dravon."

"Yeah I remember that."

"And that's not all. We have some others from all around the globe. But there are only a few selected among their batch. So around 120, including you, will be there."

"Wow, I suddenly felt anxious."