Chapter 65

Vin's POV

My alarm went off and both me and Levee woke up. He went to the restroom and I went downstairs. I saw Ranvier and Darell in the kitchen preparing breakfast. I sat behind the bar counter and watched them cook.

"Good morning Vin." Darell said.

"Good morning, did the two of you even sleep last night?"

"We were up all night. In fact, we've just finished and decided to fix up some breakfast."

"Is it the La Prima Colazione Lasagna a la Ranvier?"

"No, it's just regular eggs and bacon. Sorry, I don't have the ingredients to make that. Maybe tomorrow, okay?" Raniver said.

"Man, I miss your breakfast lasagna. All the lasagna in the area is nothing compared to your lasagna." Darell said.

"Why don't you join us too, Levee."

Ranvier looked past me, I looked behind and saw Levee at the bottom of the stairs. He walked towards us and sat beside me at the bar counter.

"Sure if you don't mind."