70- Bright Light Oyue

"Bright Light Oyue. That's the first spell. Your body will easily adapt this power, I guarantee. You can learn more along the way if you choose to. This also works well with elemental magic and creation magic! But you have to learn those for yourself." The moon goddess explained.

"It's still too much!" 132-X exclaimed.

"Trust me, Adlaw-on. That's still lacking compared to what you have before." Oyue smiled. "Oh! One more thing, you need a new name now, since you are no longer a slave! Do you have anything in mind?"

"Yes." He answered.

132-X ran towards the portal and vanished as Oyue closed the glowing entrance.

She took a deep breath and snapped her fingers, summoning a viewing mirror to appear.

"Well, Adlaw-on," She smiled. "Let's see what you can do with that power."