146- Spilling the tea

Jovis, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 51st day of Fall, Arenfall


The silence was longer than they expected. Prince Arterius glanced behind him and saw the boredom in his men's eyes. He looked out in the open and saw the sunlight mildly shining across the desolate background.

He took a sip of his tea and silently waited for the other two to talk, but it seemed to be a hopeless effort. Lady Bieroff stared blankly beyond the camp. Her mind seemed to be elsewhere, far away from her earthly bounds and responsibilities. While his former mentor was the complete opposite.

The red-haired slave looked jittery and squinted at everything his eyes laid on. He seemed to be suspicious with everything and everyone around him, trait that Prince Arterius hadn't seen before. Maybe becoming a slave took a toll on his mentor's psyche that it ended up turning him the man that he is now.