190- Endgame Pt.3

The path was dark and cold. After resting a while in the clearing, they decided to move on and find the exit. There was no other way but the dark, narrow tunnel in front of them. They cautiously walked into the path knowing that at any moment, they might walk into some trap. The minotaurs did came out from this same direction, who knows what lies beyond it?

Ghwynmyr feared that they might encounter the worse. He looked around as he carefully treaded the gravelly road.

"Tread gently," He softly spoke. "Tis might be traps 'ere!"

Orphella nodded and tiptoed most of the way, avoiding protruding bumps in the road in fear that it might be a trap. Unfortunately, with the elf's weapon asleep, they were walking blindly into the unknown and if by chance they make a wrong move, it might become their last.