230- The Smiting

Chandea, Year of Severus, 21st, I.R., the 79th day of Spring, Ardantean Township, Nhils' Il Bucay Outskirts


Orphella's heart beat violently inside its bony cage. All eyes were on her, an magical elf, as what Lamentosza told her. Most of the people from the West thought of the faerfolk as direct descendants of the gods, whether it was the truth or not, she didn't care at the point. All she wanted was to get her mission done and be reunited with her friends. Seeing them alive and well was the best reward she could ever have.

A flowing, colorful dress distracted her from her thoughts. The dancers hovered all over the stage, dancing gracefully in their lavishly made dress, created from the finest silk, colored by the best dyes in the western continent, and adorned with precious gems that made rhythmic clicking sounds as they swayed their bodies.