250- On the Run Pt. 2

Chandea, Year of Severus, 21st, I.R., the 90th day of Spring, somewhere in the Great Dunes


The ground shook harder as the monstrous desert fish dove back into the sand, disappearing into the sea of dust and darkness. Ghwynmyr instructed Urfaal and Servus 305-M to scale the highest wall they could find. Luckily, they were near one. They sat there, waiting vigilantly for the sandshark to pop-out its ugly head to find a way of countering it. However, the odds weren't in their favor.

"What the—" Urfaal exclaimed. "I thought sharks were only found in seas and oceans, just like what Lord Commander Crovar told us!" He added.

"Tis one's an anomaly." Ghwynmyr replied. "No one knew how, but tis one lives in the sand. Gods' balls, we need tah find a way to get outta here!" He clicked his tongue.