
When Surya is thinking about the upcoming war one of his hidden spies shows up. Appeared like he came out of nowhere, he's already in front of the King.

These hidden spies are like Surya's backbone. They are very flexible and powerful. With no emotions in their eyes, they are walking replicas of Surya himself and need not mention, his most loyal people.

They are the only people who can approach Surya closely and look directly into his eyes. But there are only a few such spies because no one can withstand that training. 

The spy greeted Surya and went near him. Seeing him suddenly in the open court without any proper intimation beforehand, Surya guessed something bad might have happened.

The spy spoke something in his ear and the King's eyes darkened. His whole body emitted darkness and the people who witnessed the change started shivering and understood something bad had clearly happened.

"When?" King Surya asked.

The spy asserted, "Hard to say exactly, your Majesty. Rushed here just after sensing it." He added, "They are cleverly erasing the traces of their movements but you know the power that place holds. So even though they're closing the paths we get the indications." 


"We are not sure if it is a group, or a team, or a person. Unable to find."

"What? Single person?? Who is that capable of going to that place?" 

"Our men are investigating as I talk. In my opinion, no person alone can enter that place. As we all know, it is quite dangerous." Spy responded.

King Surya falls into deep thoughts. He doesn't want to miss this chance.

No one in the court understood what's going on. Looking at each other, they're just making their guesses.

"Minister of Security, don't bother about the mission I just mentioned. You have a new one. It's important, listen carefully." King Surya started speaking.

"Your Majesty."

"Send two troops with the man standing by me and inform them to follow his each and every order. Remember, no mistakes allowed in this mission." King ordered sternly.

"As Your Command, Your Majesty. I will send the troops." Minister bowed.

"You know what to do. As I am not allowed there, I'm trusting you with this. Now take with you anyone you want." King informed the spy. 

He nodded, bowed to the King and left along with the minister.

After a few minutes of suffocation, the King ordered, "Summon my master Taika."

The ministers in the court are shocked because they know the leader Taika will never bow to the King. They are against the royal families. If the King ordered them to arrange a meeting with his master, it is a possible thing to do but if he is asking to summon him, they're in trouble.

"Su.. Sure Your Majesty."

The air in the forest is pure and the cold breeze passes through the forest in intervals making the atmosphere cozy and warm. Some people are practising battle skills in the open area.

Taika is seated under the tree, meditating. He is looking peaceful and the environment around him is very healthy. His student's are practising by helping each other.

The peaceful atmosphere is disturbed by footsteps of the soldiers. Everyone was astonished by seeing the army of the kingdom coming towards them. 

Some of the students tried to stop them at a distance. They don't want to disturb their master's meditation.

"Please stop here. You are not allowed to move any nearer." one student said politely.

The minister came forward and informed them with respect, "Sorry for the trouble, we are here at the King's order. Your master is being summoned by His Majesty."

"Apologies Minister. You will have to wait until our master comes out from his meditation." the student replied.

"No problem. We will wait. Please go back to your practice." Minister said and signalled his troop to turn back and give them some space. 

The army moved to the side and in a few minutes everyone forgot about them. They are like statues.

Minutes turned into hours but there is no response from the master. He is meditating and he is not coming out of it.

They waited for a long time and the minister's patience was wearing out. Still he's holding because it is the king's order. He knows disappointing the King would get him beheaded.

Finally Taika opened his eyes and a student went near to him. Taika instructed him something and the student left.

Another student who spoke with the minister came and informed the arrival of the minister from the King's palace.

Taika didn't get surprised and asked calmly, "Why did they come?"

"Master, the King summoned you to the court," the student replied.

Taika raised his brows and said sternly, "Tell them to leave. I am not going."

Student straightly went back to inform them.

"Minister, Our master refused to come. Please send this message to your King," the student informed and turned back.

The minister was dumbstruck by the answer. They waited several hours only to get rejected. He boiled with anger and snapped.

"What do you mean? Do you know who wants to speak with your master?" 

Student turned and replied calmly, "I know."

"Then how dare you refuse our King himself!" Minister fumed. He knows that they have to give respect to the Master but they don't need to tolerate the refusal.

"So what? He is your king not mine. Please leave." the student said and left the place.

The minister understands the situation. Yes they are not under King so there is no reason to obey king's order. But he doesn't understand why they can't be taken under control.

The minister returned back with a dejected face. He needs to face the wrath of his king because of the bad news he is carrying.

'Hah.. God please show mercy on me!' the minister thought to himself and left the place.


Auth: Hey guys. Here comes the surprise a trailer is out. Check it out now at my insta @aarna_auth.

Abhi: Hey author. When will you let me see my Maira?

Rishi: Author. Let me see my Ashmita now. In the next chapter I want to meet my Ash.

Auth: What??How??I am talking about trailers.

Abhi: I don't care. I want to see Maira too in the next chapter.

Rishi: Hey bro. No, I want the next whole chapter.

Abhi: You have had enough time with Ashmita. But I didn't, so keep quiet.

Rishi: No way. Auth I want to see Ashmita.

Auth: I will try.

Abhi& Rishi: No trying.

Auth: *gulps in fear* *escape*

Abhi: Where is she? You spoiled my act.

Rishi: No you..

Auth: Don't forget to watch trailers. *escape*

Abhi & Rishi: …...