Psychopath Brothers

Viona lowered her head in sadness at Andrew's words. She wanted to run as far as possible from Fernando, but she knew that it wasn't easy to escape from Fernando. psychopath

"Not only Fernando is dangerous, but his younger brother too," Andrew added, suddenly.

"His brother? What do you mean, Andrew?" Viona asked, in shock.

"His younger brother is even crazier than him, Vio," said Andrew coldly.

"Tell me in detail, Andrew, I want to know everything. Don't play riddles with me!!" Viona asked with tears in her eyes.

Andrew took a deep breath and then told her about how dangerous Franklin Justin Willan was. He was Fernando Gray Willan's younger brother. Andrew told her that many of Franklin's cases were closed by the police. The influence of the Willan family was so great that no law could touch his family members.

"He.. he brutally raped his underage girlfriend?" Viona asked repeatedly.