A New Plaything For Frank

Viona looked up when she heard a man called her name and stood in front of her, wiping the tears that fell on her face.

"Andrew!" Viona shrieked in surprise.

"Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to wait for me in the apartment?" Andrew asked with a sympathetic face. He couldn't bear to see Viona crying, even though he was actually angry with her for not listening to his message this afternoon.

Viona looked up at Andrew, who was already looking irritated. Andrew's anger suddenly vanished when he saw Viona's eyes were brimming with tears. He slowly sat on a chair in front of Viona.

Andrew didn't say a word as Viona continued to cry. He didn't know what to do but to let her release all her emotions.

"Let's go home. It's almost morning, Vio," Andrew said to Viona, who had started to calm down.