Warning For Viona (1)

After they finished eating, Viona told Andrew to take her home because it was already late and she didn't want to make Andrew too tired since she knew he had to go to work the next morning.

"Thank you for today, Andrew," said Viona so many times in the car.

"If I count correctly, you have said 'thank you' more than twenty times, Vio," said Andrew trying to tease Viona.

"You're so annoying!! Alright then, I take back my words!!!" Viona sulked fiercely.

Hearing Viona's words actually had made Andrew laugh so hard it hurt his stomach, while Viona looked annoyed at Andrew. Shortly thereafter Andrew's car arrived on the highway near Viona's apartment.

Anticipating the worst, Viona chose to go down the street for fear of being seen by Frank or Fernando, she did not want to take the risk. She did not want to put Andrew in danger even when he is a cop. Viona also did not want to destroy Andrew's career.