The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Fernando laughed at Viona's question, he then closed his eyes while leaning on the steering wheel of the car. It made Viona feel even more curious.

"Please answer my question, Fernando! I need your answer!!" said Viona repeatedly.

"I'm glad to see you like this, Vio," said Fernando instead of answering Viona's question.

"What do you mean?" asked Viona confusedly.

"You don't call me 'Sir' anymore, I'm only thirty-four years old, Vio. Our age gap is not that much," replied Fernando while smiling.

"Just answer my question, don't try to change the subject!!!" Viona pressured him even more because she was annoyed, it felt like Fernando was playing around with her emotion.

"Marry me, then I will tell you the truth. I won't share my family's secret with you if you are still someone else's girlfriend. It is a disgrace that I must keep to myself as long as I live," Fernando said coldly.