Jenni & Amina's Arrival

Viona got off the taxi excitedly and ran towards the international arrival terminal. Viona's smile grew even wider when she saw the two girls she had known very well for almost six years.

"Jenni .... Amina ..." shouted Viona while waving her hand in the air.

"Vio!!!" screamed Amina and Jenni in unison as they ran towards Viona.

Viona immediately approached the two girls who she considered as her younger siblings. Can't holding back their longing for each other, the three of them hugged in public right away.

Many people smiled seeing the scene where three women were hugging and crying in the terminal not able to hide how much they have missed each other.

"I miss you," Viona sobbed happily.

"I miss you even more!" replied Amina as she continued to hug Viona.