Andrew’s Unhealed Wounds

Andrew drove his car quickly towards the office to work, he took off the wedding ring he had been wearing since last night. Andrew harshly threw the white gold ring at his briefcase. He just felt horrible about his marriage with Lucia. 

That night, after Andrew returned from the park after he proposed to Viona, his father suddenly came to his official apartment and immediately talked about his arranged marriage with Lucia, the girl he dated for four years in the past.

Andrew, who had broken up with Lucia, was shocked and he politely rejected his father's plan. Sadly, when Andrew refused his father's request, he suddenly fell and Andrew quickly took his father to the hospital. 

After receiving treatment from Doctor Steven Joy, Andrew's father finally regained consciousness and he asked Andrew again to marry Lucia. Andrew then accepted his father's arranged marriage plan since he felt sad when he saw his father's condition.