Fernando's Request

Receiving such touches from Fernando always weakened her. For some reason, she couldn't even touch skin with that forceful man.

"Arrgghh stop! Don't do that, please!" Viona said softly, stammering, she tried to stand properly even though her legs were weak. 

"What should I stop, honey?" Fernando whispered softly in Viona's ear without releasing his kiss from Viona's fragrant neck. 

Receiving a kiss like that really made Viona lose her balance, her legs were unable to hold her weight anymore. 

"Hey!!!!!" Fernando screamed in panic, as he held Viona's body that almost fell to the floor and pulled her quickly into his embrace. 

"Please no, I can't accept that," Viona said in a voice that was barely audible. 

Fernando felt sorry for making her so helpless like that. He then supported Viona to sit on the sofa. After which Fernando gave her some water which was immediately drank in one gulp.