Franklin's new toy




Hearing Viona's words made Fernando's chest feel tight, he who already knew Viona's biological parents and her family tree felt sick when he saw his soon to be wife crying over her fate. 

"Do you want me to find your biological parents?" Fernando asked softly, wiping away Viona's tears. 

Viona shook her head slowly and smiled with her eyes still filled with tears.

"Whoever they are, I don't want to disturb their lives anymore, if they dumped me in front of Mother Maria's house, it meant that they never want me in the first place. To me, Mother Maria and Father George are my mom and dad," Viona replied coldly to Fernando with a sharp look. 

"Are you sure you don't want to find out who your real parents are?" Fernando asked with a smile. 

"I don't want to erase my memories with Mother Maria with those new figures," Viona replied while closing her eyes.