Invisible Love

Because Viona didn't understand what she was talking about earlier, Fernando finally told her in detail about what he had done after Viona left her apartment shortly after Lexi tried to rape her that night. Fernando ordered his men to arrest Lexi and throw the man in prison.

"A sentence of seven years imprisonment? That's bad," Viona said softly after Fernando ended his story. 

"He is a drug addict who has often been in and out of rehabilitation, Honey," Fernando said coldly.

 "A drug addict!!" Viona screamed in disbelief. 

Fernando nodded his head slowly in response to Viona's words. He slowly stroked his future wife's face with great love. He then landed a kiss on Viona's lips. 

"Not everyone in this world is good, Honey, don't trust people too much next time," Fernando said quietly as he hugged Viona tightly so that it made Viona feel suffocated. 

"Let go of me, I can't breathe," Viona shrieked as she patted Fernando on the back.