The Long Awaited Day

Finally, the day everyone had been waiting for arrived, after a sudden preparations which had made the vendors and wedding organizer quite overwhelmed by the requests from Fernando for a spectacular wedding party without the slightest mistake. 

The day that Fernando had been waiting for had finally come. That morning, the atmosphere at Fernando's house was already busy. The servants and people from the wedding organizer had decorated the mansion with various flowers around the stairs and the bridal room, which had been vacated since yesterday, because Fernando and Viona had moved to a hotel where they would vow their sacred promise in front of the priest. 

Even though the event started at ten in the morning, Viona had woken up at five o'clock. She could no longer sleep after waking up because she wanted to pee. She finally decided to wear a mask on her face to relax her face while waiting for the make-up artist to come to do her makeup.