Second Attempt

Sound of the waves crashing in the morning hitting the ship's wall had awoken Viona. She woke up from her dream world when she heard the sound of dozens of birds singing along to greet the morning.

"Aakhhhh my head hurts," said Viona softly as she massaged her head. 

When she was about to wake up, Viona suddenly felt a large arm curling around her stomach and it made her unable to get up. Not long after that, a smile appeared on her beautiful face, Viona managed to remember that she was now the wife of Fernando Gray Willan. Viona tried to get rid of her husband's strong hands from her stomach, but the heavy hands tightened her embrace more when she tried to get away from her husband's arms. 

"I want to go to the bathroom, let me go!!!" screamed Viona feeling irritated as she tried to let go of Fernando's embrace, someone who was now her official husband.

"Don't go, honey! We haven't done what we should have done last night," replied Fernando briefly.