Invisible Enemy (2)

"Nurse Tina!!!!" called Viona with a raised voice when she saw her. 

Her personal assistant was standing in front of the examination room. 

"Doctor Viona," said Nurse Tina with teary eyes, she then ran towards Viona, leaving the examination room. 

Viona opened her hands when she saw Nurse Tina ran towards her, she then hugged her personal assistant whom she hadn't see for a week. 

Nurse Tina burst into tears when Viona hugged her, causing several people to look at the two of them. 

"Hey Tina, don't cry. Look, many people are looking at us," Viona whispered softly. 

"Take me back to the doctor's surgery division. I don't want to be here hu hu hu," 

Instead of releasing her hug on Viona, Nurse Tina cried even louder.

"Come on, let's sit down first and explain to me what has happened," said Viona quietly, taking Nurse Tina to sit down.