I Am Not A Bitch

With Viona on his shoulders, Fernando had a little trouble when he entered the passcode on the door of his room.

After the second attempt, he finally managed to get into his luxurious room. When they were in the room, he quickened his steps to the bed and immediately threw her onto the large goose-feathered bed. 

"Aghhhhh ...!" Viona shouted in surprise when she fell on top of the soft bed. Her surprise hadn't subsided, she was again surprised by Fernando, who had pulled her legs to the edge of the bed. 


Viona's short skirt was ripped by Fernando, revealing her smooth, white thighs. A smile appeared on Fernando's face when he saw Viona's smooth body. His eyes could not be averted from the soft mound that was still covered in panties.

"What are you doing?!" Viona asked quickly when she saw that Fernando had opened his clothes in front of her.

"I wanna fuck you right now," Fernando replied briefly.