The stake of Pride 2

"Why am I being transferred, Ma'am??" asked Rosalia emotionally when she was summoned to the personnel room.

"Mr. Fernando asked you to quit from your current position," answered Mrs. Margaretha, the head of personnel firmly.

"I understand, but why? Did my work not satisfy him?" Rosalia asked many times, she didn't accept being transferred to the receptionist because the position of an elevator girl at the Endurance Corporation was her dream from a long time ago.

"If you do not want to be transferred to the receptionist, please submit your resignation letter immediately. I will sign it right now," replied Mrs. Margaretha with fiery eyes.

Mrs. Margaretha, who had worked with Fernando for years, knew Fernando's characteristic well. If he had decided to do something, there was no way he would want it another way. It must be done exactly like how he ordered it.