
Fernando stood frozen behind the wall watching Viona and Andrew talking in front of the ICU. Jealousy was burning inside his chest when he saw his wife was talking to the man he hated the most. Earlier, Fernando woke up from his sleep and he couldn't find his wife's whereabouts, he still didn't think of anything until his servants told him that Viona had left for the hospital at four in the morning.

Without breakfast, Fernando immediately rushed to the hospital to confirm the truth of his servants' report. When he arrived at the hospital, his emotions rose when he saw the wife he was looking for was talking to Andrew. Fernando glared at Andrew from behind the wall, his breathing was filled with indescribable emotions. After Andrew left, Fernando walked quickly to Viona's private room.

"You have to explain all this, Vio," Fernando said as he continued walking towards Viona's private room which was opposite Professor Frank's room.