Ammy's New House

Frank's anger suddenly disappeared when he saw Ammy stood in front of him carrying a large suitcase, while looking down at the floor. She didn't dare look at the face of Professor Frank who had opened the door for her.

"Come in!!!" Frank said inviting Ammy. 

"Yes, Sir," said Ammy stuttered. 

Frank sat on the sofa looking at Ammy, who was standing beside her big red suitcase without a word. 

"Are you ready, Ammy?" Frank asked flatly. 

"I'm ready, Sir …" 

"Aaa … don't call me Sir when we're outside, just call me by my name," Frank said, cutting her words.

"Al-right, Frank," she said, stuttered. 

She was still very nervous to be in the same room again with Frank. 

"Come with me," Frank whispered quietly to Ammy. 

Without a word, she followed Frank's steps toward the door and could only remain silent when they got into the elevator and got out after the lift stopped on the tenth floor.