First Request

Receiving a blow that he didn't expect before making Fernando fell to his knees. Fernando's emotions rose instantly. He then tried to get up and prepare to send a blow back to Doctor William, who stood looking at him with a cold gaze, a look that Fernando had never seen before as long as he had known Doctor William. 

"Why did you stop, Fernando? Hit me. Don't you want to hit me?" Asked Doctor William as he stepped forward to approach Fernando, who had raised his right hand high. 

"If you have a problem at the hospital, don't lash it out on me, William," Fernando said softly, as he lowered his hand. 

"My problem is not at the hospital, but here, in your house, and with you to be more precise," said Dr. William while grabbing Fernando by the collar.

"Are you crazy, William?!!" Fernando, who had lost his temper, snapped, as he brushed Doctor William's hand from his collar.