The Attention

Arriving at the house, Viona immediately walked to her room on the second floor without waiting for Fernando. When she got to their room, Viona immediately went into the bathroom to clean her body.

Instead of taking a bath, she vomited the food she had just eaten; all eight pieces of salmon sushi she had eaten came back out, emptying her stomach again. 

Fernando, who arrived in the room, immediately frowned when he heard Viona's voice. He quickly went to the bathroom to give his wife a neck massage like the instructions William had given him.

"What's wrong with you, Honey?" Fernando asked, provoking Viona's confession while massaging her neck slowly.

"I'm fine, maybe I ate something wrong." Viona replied, wiping her lips with water.

"You've been eating wrong since yesterday?" Fernando asked again, trying to remind her that she had been vomiting like that for two days.