When Ego Overcame His Wit

Viona cried laughing after hearing her husband's words, she did not think that Fernando would say that to her.

"What are you talking about?" Viona asked quietly while wiping the tears that came out of the corners of her eyes.

"Didn't you ask me to eat that lemon?" Fernando asked with a pitiful face.

"Earlier, I was just asking you whether you want to eat lemon too or not, I was not trying to force you to eat it," Viona replied with a laugh.

"So, you didn't ask me to eat the tamarind fruit?" asked Fernando back with sparkling eyes.

"Nope!!! I will not share this delicious fruit with you, if you want some you could take it yourself in the kitchen or ask for the servant to prepare it again for you," Viona replied while chewing lemon until there was nothing left.
