Mood Changes 

Hearing Viona's words suddenly made Fernando immediately stop eating. He seemed to be thinking hard to find a logical reason, because, for Viona, it would definitely not be difficult to distinguish the smell of human blood and animal blood. 

"Didn't you smell it, Babe?" Viona asked softly as she continued to cover her mouth and nose with her hands, 

"I don't smell anything, Honey," Fernando replied quickly as he kept thinking to find a sensible reason. 

"Hey, what is this?" Teddy shrieked suddenly as he touched one of the maids' black skirt with his palm. 

"Blood ..." Viona hissed softly as she looked at Teddy's red hand. 

"That's ... I ..." the maid, whose skirt was being touched by Teddy earlier, couldn't finish her words as she had been silenced by another maid.