I Don't Need Your Wealth And Power

After winning the heart of his wife, Fernando then invited Viona to go out to lunch as he hadn't had lunch, while it was already very late. Fernando even got scolded by Viona for not eating on time. Hearing her chatter made Fernando silent. He didn't want to make her even angrier if he responded her. 

"Next time, don't repeat this again. Ulcer is not a disease that can be taken lightly!!" Viona said curtly, ending her chatter. 

"Yes, Doctor, sorry, I will not repeat it again," Fernando replied, raising two fingers to swear. 

"Okay, I'll keep your promise!!" Viona answered quickly. 

Luke, who was driving the car, could only remain silent and focus on driving his car when he heard Fernando was being scolded by Viona. He did not want to be the next target of his madam's anger. 

"Madame and Master, we have arrived at the restaurant," Lukas said slowly, braving himself to open the conversation when he arrived in front of the destined restaurant.