Because of love

Seeing Viona crying made Jenny and Amina act immediately. They tried to calm Viona because they were worried about her sister's pregnancy. 

"Sis, don't cry ... don't you feel sorry for my nephew who is in here?" Amina asked quietly while touching Viona's stomach. 

"Yes, please remember, you are not alone anymore. I have read that when a pregnant woman cries, her baby who is being conceived can also feel the mother's sadness," Jenny added in response to Amina's words. 

"I - I'm not crying, I'm just sobbing just a little sob sob ..." Viona could not finish her words because her voice seemed stuck in her throat. 

Jenny quickly gave Viona some water to make her comfortable. Amina was seen helping by wiping the tears that wet Viona's beautiful face which looked swollen. After finishing the water given by her sister, Viona looked a little calm. Her tears had stopped flowing, even though her eyes were still teary.