Between Ego and Heart

Frank returned to De' Lavenue Apartment by driving his car at full speed. He couldn't wait to meet Louisa. After driving his car for nearly 30 minutes, he finally arrived at the gate of De 'Lavenue Apartment. As he was about to get out of his car, he suddenly saw a black car enter the parking lot and soon a woman he knew got out of the car.

"Cecilia." Frank muttered softly when he saw Cecilia got out of the car and approached Louisa, who was waiting for her in the lobby. 

After Cecilia got off, Louisa came to her and got into the car with her. Not long after, the car that was carrying Louisa and Cecilia left De' Lavenue Apartment. Seeing Louisa was leaving with Cecilia made Frank doubted the report of his subordinates, who had previously said that Louisa lived in De' Lavenue Apartment.