Crazy Frank

With Fernando's bullet-proof car, they finally went to the hospital, escorted by several bodyguards behind. In the car, Viona looked very excited to return to the hospital where she worked before. Staying at home for almost a month and a half made her quite bored. Moreover, Fernando forbade her to do any activity because he was afraid that something bad would happen to the child she was carrying. Even though, in fact, there was no problem if she did a few small things, but because of his great fear, she finally had to obey him and give in. She was only allowed to do pregnancy exercises with the help of an instructor Fernando had selected to help her do gymnastics at home. 

"You look so happy, Babe," Fernando commented quietly to Viona, who looked really excited. 

"Of course, I'm happy. I can't wait to meet Doctor Lila, Nurse Tina, and some other people in the hospital," Viona answered quickly, without the slightest feeling of guilt.