The Most Selfish Man

The sound of Viona's breathing could be heard clearly by Teddy, who was standing beside the mistress. He was already very worried that Madame would get angry. Teddy was seen giving a signal to the maids to get ready behind their mistress to avoid anything unwanted. He was afraid that the woman the master brought home would cause trouble with their mistress.

"Are you deaf huh?!! I've been asking for water," said Laura with her hands on her waist, in front of Viona. Laura's middle eastern eyes were scanning Viona from top to toe.

"What water?" Viona asked pretending to be stupid. She knew that her mentality was currently at stake in front of this comfort woman in front of her.

"What do you think water is?! Of course drinking water, what water is it?!!" Laura replied irritably. She felt a little depressed by the sharp look of Viona's eyes that stared at her without a blink.